Once your domain name is past it’s renewing date, there is a 30 days grace period for the domain for you to renew your domain. During this period, you can renew your domain as you would renew any regular domain described on this article.

If you still do not renew your domain in the 30 days grace period after the expiry date, it will enter the redemption period for another 30 days. In this period, you can renew your domain by paying a certain restoration fee. Please contact our support team via support ticket to know the exact price that you need to pay. If you do not renew your domain on the redemption period, the domain will then be listed on the deletion list and will be deleted. After a domain is past its redemption period, it will be gone from our control and it might be taken after that and get to the auction. If it is not taken on auction, the domain will be released within the next 70-80 days for new registration. It can also take up to 120 days in a few cases. Once the domain is released, it will be available for anyone to register.

So, if your domains are expiring soon, then you need to renew it quickly before it expires to keep control over it.

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